Mission and Members

Mission Statement

GTCC's mission is to create a unifying voice in the community, representing our full diversity, for climate policies and action to achieve electrification, decarbonization, energy efficiency and adaptation to climate impacts in our region.


TuCAN - Tucson Climate Action Network

By gathering interested parties, we are building a coalition that provides factual and timely information while supporting and empowering those who are drawn to climate action. TuCAN is currently working on 1) energy democracy--because energy is a human right; 2) the next Tucson-TEP franchise agreement with parallel energy future commitments; and 3) Tucson's Climate Action and Adaptability Plan implementation.

Website link: tucsonclimateactionnetwork.com

Arizonan's for Community Choice

The mission of Arizonans for Community Choice (AZ4CC) is to bring Community Choice Energy (CCE), also called Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), to Arizona to increase consumers' and municipalities' control over electricity generation, achieve municipal and county climate action goals, reduce electricity rates, and accelerate the transition to a renewable energy economy. To that end, AZ4CC is mobilizing grassroots support; advocating for CCA among city and county mayors, councils, boards of supervisors and sustainability staff; and urging State Legislators and Arizona Corporation Commissioners to create the regulatory structure for CCAs to operate in Arizona.

Website link: az4cc.org

Arizona Youth Climate Coalition - Tucson Chapter

Arizona Youth Climate Coalition (AZYCC) is a collaborative, youth-led organization fighting forclimate justice across the Grand Canyon State. Through a combination of tactics ranging from direct action, mutual aid, civic engagement, education, and more, we are building a movement of young people from middle school to undergraduate college-age to fight the climate crisis and the systems that created it. There can be no climate justice without racial, economic, and social justice; solutions to the climate crisis will be community-driven and accessible, not privatized or for profit.

Website link: www.azyouthclimate.org

Social media:

insta: @azyouthclimate

facebook: @azyouthclimate

Twitter/X: @azyouthclimate

email: www.azyouthclimate.org

Citizens Climate Lobby - Greater Tucson Chapter

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization formed to address climate change. At the national level, our proposal is to establish federal legislation to implement Carbon Fee and Dividend. A national, revenue-neutral carbon fee-and-dividend system would place a predictable, steadily rising price on the carbon in fossil fuels, with all fees collected minus administrative costs returned to households as a monthly energy dividend. Our local chapter is involved in a number of activities, including grassroots outreach at public events, engaging community leaders, organizing public presentations on climate change, communications with the media, and direct meetings with candidates for, and elected representatives to, local, state, and national offices.

Website link: tucsonccl.com